Loading All 0 - 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Letter L Dr. Seth Lacy Senior Scientist for Space Mobility and Precision Maneuver, AFRL Les Lake VP Business Development, Launch Support Services, Space Prep, All Points Logistics Connie LaMorte Principal Engineer, EWI Tony LaRosa Founder, Managing Director, Secretary, Interplanetary Chamber of Commerce Eric Lasker Chief Revenue Officer, Varda Space Industries Inc Kevin Lausten President, Morpheus Space Alec Leeseberg President, Velocity Explorations Sean Lewis Space Logistics and Robotics Deputy Lead, Air Force Research Lab Col (RET) Robert Long President & Chief Executive Officer, Space Florida TSgt Jarrett Lybrand SSC/S2 AATS Intelligence Embed Section Chief, United States Space Force